
God's Call - Young Vocation Event
Date: From Friday 03 March 2017 -  06:00pm
To Sunday 05 March 2017 - 02:00pm
Location: The Hayes Conference Centre Swanwick Alfreton Derbys DE55 1AU
God’s Call is a weekend for Christian Young People who want to think about what they might do with their lives.  It’s open to anyone aged 16-25.
It is aimed at giving space to hear what others and God might say to you about your vocation. Many people assume that the weekend is about a call to ordained ministry, and there will be a chance for people to think about becoming a vicar, but its more than that, it’s about hearing how God can work through you in a range of jobs and professions, including teaching, medicine, gap years and how you might use your spare time. http://derby.anglican.org/education/children/gods-call-young-vocations-conference-2017/ 

Open to: It's open to anyone aged 16-25
To Book Contact: Alistair Langton 01332 388664 or alistair.langton@derby.anglican.org

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