
Chaplaincy Training Day
Date: Monday 26 June 2017, 09:30am - 03:00pm
Location: Willersley Castle Hotel, Cromford Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5JH

Speakers: Revds. David and Helen Newman, Warden and Chaplain at Launde Abbey Retreat House in Leicestershire

Title: Unlikely Conversations

They will base their talks on Jesus' encounter with a Samaritan woman in John 4:1-42. 

Session 1: Entering the Story: How does this speak to me? 

Session 2: Deepening the relationship: How might this equip my work as a chaplain? 

Session 3: Insights, questions and challenges: What are we learning from today?

Open to: All welcome
To Book Contact: Revd Canon Paul Morris paul@derbyccc.org.uk

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