
All Age Worship - a day of inspiration and development
Date: Saturday 18 November 2017, 10:30am - 03:30pm
Location: St Thomas’ Church, Brampton Chatsworth Rd, Chesterfield S40 3AW


A day for Clergy, Readers, PCC members and church congregations who would like to explore and develop All Age Worship in their churches. There will be input from a range of experienced leaders, workshops to focus on particular areas and resources to browse and buy.A day for Clergy, Readers, PCC members and church congregations who would like to explore and develop All Age Worship in their churches. There will be input from a range of experienced leaders, workshops to focus on particular areas and resources to browse and buy.A day for Clergy, Readers, PCC members and church congregations who would like to explore and develop All Age Worship in their churches. There will be input from a range of experienced leaders, workshops to focus on particular areas and resources to browse and buy.A day for Clergy, Readers, PCC members and church congregations who would like to explore and develop All Age Worship in their churches. There will be input from a range of experienced leaders, workshops to focus on particular areas and resources to browse and buy.The two repeated evening events on 9.10.17 at the Church on Oakwood and 17.10.17 at St Thomas’, Brampton are an introduction to All Age Worship and could lead into the day event for those just starting or stand alone as needed.


Open to: Church leaders and members.
To Book Contact: Sarah.brown@derby.anglican.org 01332 388660

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