
Wednesday, 16 March 2022 09:51

Co-option of United Kingdom Minority Ethnic/Global Majority Heritage People to the House of Laity of the Church of England General Synod

Following recommendations in the From Lament to Action report, the House of Laity of General Synod is seeking nominations of UK Minority Ethnic/Global Majority Heritage people for co-option to the House of Laity. There will be five members co-opted for the remainder of the quinquennium, and they will be a full member with speaking and voting rights. As co-opted members of General Synod they will also be ex-officio members of Diocesan and Deanery Synod and their PCC. Further information can be found in the document Co-option of UKME/GMH people.

Please do share this with anyone that may be interested in joining as co-opted members and meet the criteria:

  • UKME/GMH people
  • on the roll of a parish or on a cathedral community roll, or confirmed as worshipping in a diocesan mission initiative
  • aged 18 or over
  • an actual communicant (having taken Holy Communion on at least three occasions in the last 12 months)

They will need to complete the nomination form and submit a personal statement of up to 2 sides of A4, as well as a photograph. They will also need to consent to the Privacy Notice. Nominations must be returned to synod.cooption@churchofengland.org by midday on 25 April.

Please contact Sian Kellogg, Executive Officer (sian.kellogg@derby.anglican.org) for more information.

Last modified on Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:10

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